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Keeping it Current – Book Reviews

It’s important for me to keep up-to-date and informed regarding current affairs – not only global politics, but also looking at the world’s business leaders and what has fueled their success. I also get a lot from reading the history of specific issues and events.

March 30, 2022

Beyond Book Club
Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy: by Martin Indyk, The Code Breaker – Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing and the Future of the Human Race by Walter Isaacson, Play Nice But Win: A CEO’s Journey from Founder to Leader by Michael Dell, Elon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance

Books I Read in 2021

This was a big year for reading for me as I embraced audiobooks and can listen during all my down or travel time. I read a very human story with lots of familiar political friends and relationships Both/And by Huma Abedin and The World As It Is by Ben Rhodes. Both of these books are definitely worth reading.

January 3, 2022

Beyond Book Club
Both/And by Huma Abedin, The World As It Is by Ben Rhodes, Brunelleschi’s Dome By Ross King, Human Compatible by Stuart Russell, Voyagers – the settlement of the Pacific by Nicholas Thomas, All the Frequent Troubles of our Days By Rebecca Donner (which I promise a book review on in 2022), Trillion Dollar Coach written by multiple authors, Zero to One By Peter Thiel (book review coming), Leonardo da Vinci by Walter Isaacson, False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg, Abraham Lincoln’s speeches and writings, The Everything Store and Unbound by Brad Stone.
follow me @bobclarkbeyond
two men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a painting