Emily Sisson and I have something in common, and it’s not just the fact that we both love athleticism.
Immigration has always been a critical point of value in America’s prosperity. The “American Dream” would not be possible without the contribution of generations of immigrants to society, not to mention the priceless importance of multiculturalism. Despite this, the rhetoric surrounding immigration and its influence on U.S. institutions and ways of life has become increasingly hostile and rooted in misinformation. I recently read the book “How Migration Really Works: The Facts About the Most Divisive Issue in Politics” by Hein de Haas. I highly recommend it to everyone to better understand migration policies and national impact. As we get farther into this election year, debates surrounding immigration are escalating. Still, people don’t understand the fundamentals of migration or how it truly affects the U.S. To mitigate this, Hein de Haas draws on decades of research to destroy myths and set the record straight. The book highlights tense topics like global migration not being at an all-time high, climate change not leading to mass migration, and immigration mainly benefiting the wealthy instead of workers. He also notes that border restrictions have produced more migration – something that is commonly misreported and viewed as the only “solution” to the migration “problem.”
When our Clayco team finds a company that mirrors our mission and determination, we fortify that partnership by pooling resources on as many projects as possible. Vision Electric & Systems is one of Clayco’s excellent subcontractors that we have had the pleasure of working on several developments with. Subcontractors play a pivotal role by bringing multifaceted advantages and expertise across construction efforts.
I love when Co-Founder Larry Page was asked how he learned to run Google. He said, “I read a lot of books.” He then jokes: “[When renaming Alphabet] I read like three books on naming—which is more than anyone else had read. So I decided I was the expert… and actually that was useful. I recommend reading things.” I dropped out of college after just 5 weeks, but I read a lot. Everything. I’ve compiled a list of some “oldies but goodies” (and a few modern) reading options that I found difficult but useful, helpful, or even disagreeable – and that’s okay, too!
Artificial Intelligence is sweeping the world in every aspect of life. But who are the big faces behind the technology? According to a list produced by the New York Times, the “who’s who” in AI was shockingly lacking in diversity – they didn’t name one single woman. Whether inside the walls of Clayco or beyond, I am committed to helping foster inclusive communities and uplift the voices of underrepresented demographics to the best of my ability. The exclusion of women in high-ranking positions, public media, and authoritative roles is unacceptable, and we must work to ensure they have the resources and respect they deserve. For my January Inspiration of the Month, I am highlighting 12 incredible women who are the driving forces behind AI and the wave of tech that is evolving global societies. Anima Anandkumar
The magic of art is on full display in Miami! Some of the world’s greatest artists and collectors have come together for one of my and Jane’s favorite occasions - Art Basel in Miami Beach! From December 6th to 10th, this amazing, top-notch event assembles more than 250 galleries from 35 countries with works from 4,000+ renowned art masters and up-and-coming creators. As an avid lover and collector of art, Art Basel has been one of the highlights of the year.
What causes me to get out of bed every morning is driven by inspiration. Ever since I was a little boy, I was inspired by my insatiable curiosity, which caused me to be a reader, a thinker, and a dreamer.
I can remember being inspired by seeing Bobby Kennedy on TV and watching videotapes of Martin Luther King Jr., and being deeply saddened by their assassination even though I was only 10 years old when I experienced all of this.
As a little boy, rocket flight was a big thing. I remember being fascinated by the moon and the stars and the astronauts exploring them.As humans we are achieving remarkable things that only a handful of years before were just in the imagination.