The Clark Art Collection


The Clark Art Collection began more than ten years ago. It centers on the work of emerging Black and Brown artists in North America and beyond.

Thematically, much of the collection speaks to issues of representation and collective memory, confronting systems of power and recorded history with constructed versions of race, ancestry, migration, gender, sexuality, and class that warrant contestation.

Many of the artists engage their work as visual and social activism, aiming to provoke viewers into civic participation, if not full-blown activism. Throughout the Clark Collection, history, politics, identity, and popular culture are disrupted by artists who create with eclectic materials in mediums spanning the visual arts.

The majority of the Clark Collection is on display in the Clarks’ private residences, with the exception of a few pieces.

We hope you enjoy these pieces and encourage you to learn more about all of the art and artists you see here.
Number 198

Number 198



Because No Lie Can Live Forever

Because No Lie Can Live Forever



Woman & Man Reclining on Striped Matt VIII

Woman & Man Reclining on Striped Matt VIII

Washington Corona Coffee Table

Washington Corona Coffee Table

Neon Print

Neon Print

Mini Gun Flag USA

Mini Gun Flag USA



Cousin Red

Cousin Red

Speak of Love

Speak of Love

God Bless America

God Bless America

Black Rice

Black Rice

Nets 1 Fujian Provence, China

Nets 1 Fujian Provence, China



Haunt Me in My Dreams, If You Please, Portrait of Shantee

Haunt Me in My Dreams, If You Please, Portrait of Shantee

The Smile & the Falling

The Smile & the Falling

Proof of Siren

Proof of Siren

The Prophecy Untitled #6

The Prophecy Untitled #6

Four Movements of Sunlight

Four Movements of Sunlight

Super Kennedy Man

Super Kennedy Man

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah

Everyone Loves Kalenda

Everyone Loves Kalenda

To Be Titled

To Be Titled

Still From Incoming

Still From Incoming

Come Out (1966) XXXXVI

Come Out (1966) XXXXVI

Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams

Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams

Four Freedoms Series: Freedom From Fear

Four Freedoms Series: Freedom From Fear

Four Freedoms Series: Freedom of Speech

Four Freedoms Series: Freedom of Speech

follow me @bobclarkbeyond
two men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a paintingtwo men standing next to a painting